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Bonus per pay line

All ARIIX Representatives will receive shares toward 1% of the company's total volume during the commission period, with each additional optimized payline (to earn $ 2,000 USD) after their first payline. There is no limit to the number of shares a Representative can earn from this bonus. An IIX membership doubles the shares earned with this bonus.

Hence, one share of this bond is issued for the second optimized payline, two additional shares are issued for a third optimized payline (in total three) and three shares for the fourth optimized payline (in total six).

If multiple revenue positions have optimized pay lines, the number of pay lines eligible for actions is determined by the total number of optimized PAY lines minus the number of revenue positions with optimized pay lines. For example, 2 revenue positions with 3 lines optimized on IP1 and 4 lines optimized on IP2 would get the following: The first with 2 pay lines (and 1 power line) on IP1, and 3 pay lines (and 1 line of power) in IP2, they would yield 5 (2 + 3 optimized pay lines) minus 2 (first pay line in each IP) or 3 optimized lines for a total of 6 actions (3 + 2 + 1), or 12 actions (6x2 ) with an IIX membership.

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